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Chloe T. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I went 2 a house lead a lady to the lord then 9 more people walked in and they spoke Spanish only so she translated the script to 9 and they all got saved she became a instant soul winner then in a nursing home and sheared the script with a older lady and she started balling her eyes out and after wards she kipped saying how much it mint to her and how grateful she was everything about her changed .

I was soul winning to kid whom said he didn’t believe .So, I went on with the script and he received Jesus !!! Then he shared with me that the night before he was thinking that if God was real He would show himself to him. At the end of the prayer he thanked and hugged me!!  I also prayed with a 90 year old man who received the Lord for the first time!!

A young man came up to me and asked me for change.  I told him  that I had something better and asked him if he knew God loved him.  He said, “Yes. The Lord forgives sins,” and I agreed and continued with the script.  The man had tears in his eyes after I put my hand on his shoulder and told him that a lot of people are going through hard times and that it’s good to cry out to the Lord.  I told him his sins are now forgiven in Jesus’ Name.  Later some girls from our team saw him crying with another woman that I spoke to earlier.

Matters of the Heart | Wesle W Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Nothing brings greater joy to my heart then to see smiles on children’s faces. And there was plenty of that on Sunday at the River Church during the Operation Raven Christmas Outreach. I am fortunate to help coordinate the bus ministry every Sunday and that means I was heavily involved with all of the planning and preparation that went into this event.

Sunday morning was grand as people from the community filled our buses in great anticipation of the days activities. I helped stack, count and prepare the toys for the giveaway so I knew first -hand what the children had in store. During service Bus Captains and their team pulled toys to make ready for those children that were on their bus. As the children approached their bus after service you could see their faces light up as the toys were handed out. Little girls were handed dolls, stuffed animals, Barbie’s and dress up kits little boys received toy trucks, fire engines, cars and balls. Our Bus Captains made sure not one child was disappointed with the toy they received. Everything we do in the bus ministry revolves around the people we serve and we serve them with gladness. I know for a fact that every person that boards one of our buses on Sunday feels welcome, valued and loved.

I am so blessed to be part of a ministry that pours so much into the local community and the world. Pastor Rodney is burdened with the eternal condition of those we serve and in turn I am burdened. In over 20 years of serving the Lord I have never labored so much to see the hearts of man made ready for Christ’s return. Before coming to The River I was not a candidate to receive the soul-winners crown in heaven but not anymore. In less than 2 years I have lead 100’s of people to the Lord and if God keeps track of assists like the Major League Baseball (and I believe he does), then I have 1000’s upon 1000’s held in my account.

Matters of the Heart | Lloyd Miracle Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The River church in Tampa lead by Pastor Rodney-Browne has been making tremendous impacts in its surrounding communities. Pastor Howard-Browne, a man chasing after God, has put into play various programs to penetrate the communities of Tampa. Some of these programs are the weekly food drives, the bus ministry that started out with a couple of vans, which currently running almost a half-dozen charter buses, the toy drive for the holiday season , and the daily gospel outreach. The reason that these programs have been so successful is because Pastor Rodney and everyone else in the church has seen and grasp how important it is to reach the people of Tampa. They have see how God has impacted and changed their lives, and want to share it, they understand that we as followers of Christ, have to get out into the streets and share the love of Christ. This is why the altars on Sunday morning are being filled. The people of Tampa are seeing people who actually care about them and their salvation.

This past week Pastor Rodney hosted Operation Raven at his church. The turnout was amazing. Family upon family showed together on Sunday morning to take part in this massive outreach. Food and toys were given out, but most of all, over three hundred and forty men, women and children gave there hearts to the lord. This is what is at the center of every event at the River. It’s to see people come to know the love of Christ and build a relationship with him. Currently the river has seen over seventy-three thousand decisions for Christ in the past year. That is why the River at Tampa bay is making a difference. They keep true to what works when it comes to reaching people, love.

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This truly was the day that the Lord had made. From the early morning high level of expectancy was vibrating in the air as well as in the hearts of the whole congregation. This really was fulfilling of statement „ No man left behind „ Everybody in the church did the part to get the whole work done. That was like a total mobilization in the local branch of Gods army! And most important that anyone got mobilized absolutely voluntarily-no one was forced to fight on Jesus side…this was the day of fighting against opression and depression. Though the outcame of this battle was foreknown -it`s a great pleasure to recall things that happened on this Sunday. First of all hunderads of people got saved , delivered from Satans domain and brought into the Kingdom of God. Holy transition directed by the Lord Jesus himself and accomplished through His body – The church ! What an awsome privilege and great experience it is to be in His will, respond to His call and be a part of what He is doing. What a sight it is to see little children along with their parents happily coming for toys and impatiently unripping them. Smiles, joy , laughter heard everyvhere …almost heavenly atmosphere. No fear, no depression- really a piece of heaven brought down to the earth in just an ordinary day…Somebody may say: „Wait ! you`re wrong ! It`s not just an ordinary day –it`s a Sunday in the church ! „

It is an ordinary day in a sense that anybody has ability to create such a day full of joy , happiness and presence of The Lord . All we need is to strech out our hands and our hearts to the others and Jesus himself will bless our touch and make any day like a gift that is more wonderful than we even could imagine.

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When the Word of God is spoken, under the anointing, it is then that lives are changed. Pastor Adonica doesn’t fill in her teaching with a bunch of words, but every word carries weight and meaning and is pure and from God’s heart. I received deep conviction to my heart in areas that I had an inkling were possibly wrong heart attitudes, but until I heard the Word on those areas I was justifying why I was thinking a certain way. Her teaching with the Word cut me to the core, and divided the truth so that I could no longer justify myself in any area. If I was questioning or had confusion in any area, it is now gone. I am so thankful for Pastor Adonica and her integrity as a teacher, and how she turns us to Jesus and the Word and not to herself. By the way she teaches it is obvious that she lives to please just the father, which gives so much integrity to what she says. I was able to receive from God through the teaching, but I was also very blessed by observing the way she speaks and carries herself as a woman of God, in boldness and gentleness. I am able to look up to her as having qualities I myself would like to have in order to represent Christ better through my life and way of being. There were times I was listening, and because of how Pastor Adonica was so hidden in God, and because of the power and purity she carries, it seemed as though I was hearing straight from the mouth of God, not a person.

I am a changed person after this teaching. I thought I did well at humbling myself and putting off pride before, but there was light shed on pride in my life that I didn’t know was there. I now have a deeper reality of my works being tried by the fire, and eternity. Standing before God seems closer than ever before. I don’t want to be ashamed on that day. I have a better understanding and ability to go to God by my Spirit and stop trying to grasp him and understand with my mind. It’s as if I can choose to go to my Spirit and get out of my head in order to receive the Word of God, his ways, and even perceive life from his view. It’s not that I won’t use my thinking, but that my Spirit is in control and tells my brain what to think instead of the other way around. I have a sense of being safer and in the father’s arms, protected from Satan, because the Word was used in such a way as to expose how he was trying to hurt me. I became aware of areas he was trying to gain access into my life. Things I didn’t necessarily know were from him I now know originate with Satan and I don’t have to receive them. Overall I am much more hungry for God and more desperate for him and his presence. I am thankful to have been reminded to not worry about what people think, but to care only for what God thinks. I am encouraged to consider only God and his thoughts towards me, which are based in his perfect love for me. I know I am in the process of being set free in this area. The stronger desire and ability I have gained, to walk in mercy and grace with no judgment, and taking no offense towards others is so freeing. I know not to take offense, but after last week it’s as if I don’t even consider or see things that would’ve possibly offended me before. After having Pastor Adonica teach us, I was able to get to know her better and I am so thankful to have Pastors who truly care about people and who really live, to simply please God.

Matters of the Heart | Rosemarie Morgan Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The core message I received from this class is regarding the importance and absolute necessity to guard, to watch over, my heart and maintain it in a pure condition before God so that I may be a truly available vessel in His hands.

The condition of the physical heart, which is the center or core of the physical man, determines the quality of life, and whether a man lives or dies. Similarly, the condition of the spiritual heart, which is the core of the born again Christian, will determine the quality of the spirit filled life, and, whether one will survive spiritually, be able to have an intimate relationship with God, walk before Him in uprightness of heart, and be lead by His Spirit, thereby partaking of the Kingdom of God – 1Cor15:50; 1Cor6:9.

The Bible tells us in Pro 4:23 to keep our hearts with all diligence; for out of it flows the springs of life. We must therefore allow nothing to take up residence in our heart that can contaminate, pollute, hinder, block, the free flow of the Spirit of God through our hearts, and rob us of God’s best for us. We must search our hearts constantly, and clean with immediacy. Nothing that violates our relationship with God must be allowed to linger; we must be quick to repent, accept correction with humility, wash with the Word of God and constantly communicate with God in prayer.

The message to me personally is that I need to totally die to self, to get rid of the not so big but dangerous little foxes that will spoil the vine, so I can live and reign with Christ – Ph 1:21. I need to ask God to reveal me to me so I can seek out the subtle things in my life that besets and hinders, and violently destroy them from my life – Rom 8:13. If I am serious about living for God, which I am, there is no option. The works of the flesh must be purged from my life as early as they manifest in a thought. My mind must be girded up, able to immediately identify and nullify any attempt of invasion by the enemy.

I cannot operate in the flesh and sit in heavenly places -Eph 1-3. I must take up my rightful position with Jesus – Eph 2:6 and nothing must by any means hinder me. The character of God must be formed in me so that I can start bearing fruit in multiples of hundreds.

Soul Winning | Marlo G Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Thank you so much for coming to our church with the Awakening Tour and Soul Winning classes. Our family is forever changed. I went out on the streets Monday and Friday after the soul winning class in my group. I gave my testimony on Monday, although I did not give it on Friday evening or turn in my prayer list from that day. I wanted to give you the list of names and also share with you that I led a woman to the Lord name Cintia at the bus stop from Brazil. She had just came from Brazil that day and had never heard that God loved her and had a plan for her life. She said the prayer of salvation and took all the DVD and materials before she got on her bus. I saw her eyes light up with joy while the good news was being shared with her. Yes, Keep me on your prayer list from

Marlo G
Orono Minnesota United States

Great Awakening Tour City #28 Ball Ground (N. Atlanta) GA | Rick McR Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

My wife and I came that thursday and Friday and we were determined to leave changed and on fire with the zeal of God. I was an evangelist in my earlier years and we’ve led worship for many years. My wife is currently the worship leader for our church. She has been praying for me to get the fire back for ministry. I had allowed discouragment and offense towards men of God from past churches to stop me from stepping back out into ministry. Also, I had an accident and hurt my back and neck, had surgeries in 2005, along with some other medical issues. I was in a bad state of depression for the past year. My wife continued to lead worship at our local church and worked with the youth. Then we came that Friday night and right after you came out whe we went on the live tv, then two songs were song, I probably was the first person that night to fall right out of my chair laughing, I fell over on my wife and she thought I was passing out from pain or something then she looked at me and I was laughing.. I stayed on the floor for at least an hour and half. I didn’t hear any of the sermon, but when I got up I looked drunk, I had busted blood vessels under my eyes.. but I felt like NEW man, I haven’t been the same since. It felt like a huge fire water hose washed out all the stuff in my heart that I was holding in against people I have a new fresh desire to preach the word again and go to the world. We’ve always know since our 20’s that we were called into full-time mininstry but I never stepped out after allowing offense and rejection to take over. I was an adopted person, with a bad childhood, got saved at 20 and then went into the church and received a lot of rejection. But my wife was the opposite and she stood like a rock for me. Now we are in our 40’s and after all we’ve been thru should be pretty ready for full time minisry. The awesome thing it that now I want to preach, I had lost all the desire from the early years of our calling and my wife was about to move on without me. Thank God, he restored our marriage to the call of God, for our 25th wedding anniversary for May 2008. I’m a new man, on fire for God. We are plannig to come to the July campmeeting in Tampa and actually are praying about moving, we’ve felt that we are to move. and it may be to Tampa. Also, your team had taken a picture of me and my wife at the end of the service, of the time you came by and laid hands on both of us, and she was on the floor, you posted it on the website and we had all of our church members calling us. Our Pastor showed at church that sunday morning, but also, that service, during the worship, I exhorted and told how God had touched my life and it sparked a revival of laughter at our church. I feel like my old self back in the first days of my salvation. I’m witnessing like I used to. We are so on fire. Praise God. Rick McR

Rick McR
Peachtree City Georgia United States

Great Awakening Tour City #23 Port St. Lucie, Florida | David Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Apartments where people were home during the day, lady gets saved, mom comes to door crying “I was drawn here”, “I need you to pray for me” 2 ladies got saved. Spoke to 5 people ALL starved for Jesus. Amazing the 11 people that got saved at the nursing home was like they was just waiting God sent me to them. I was blessed just as much as them. Thank you Jesus! At the second retirement home we visited with Nathan and Tiffany our team leaders on wed myself and Nate went to the far end of the premises to knock on the doors of some private apartments so we could pray for the residents. The very first door I knocked on an old lady in her nineties invited me in to pray for her. After leading her to the Lord using the script (which proved very helpfull bc her hearing was not great and I was able to hold it in front of her so she could read along with me)Dhe then told me that her body was filled with pain and she could hardly bear it. So I asked her if I could pray for her healing. She said”Yes, please do.”And God took away all her pain. She was so filled with joy, she said I feel brand new. She told me she had had the pain for so long she believed it would never go. She also told me she had asked God in her desperation to send someone and added that she believed I’d been sent by God. At that moment nurse came into attend to her needs and she could not contain her excitement as she told the nurse what had happened-myself and Nate could hear her joy as we were stood not far from the room. All glory be to our God!

Port St Lucie Florida United States

Brazilian Great Awakening Tour City #27 Orlando FL | Franklin T Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

It was my first time out winning souls for the Lord. I couldn’t figure out where my fear that usually hides in my pocket and pops out when I have to speak to people had gone. I wasn’t about to look for it either. We had to set a goal before we went out. My Goal was, A.M.A.P. which I figured can stand for, As Many As Possible. I eventually wrote 20 being logical. Our destination that we were sent to didn’t exist. It was under construction. We had passed an outdoor flea market on the way so we decided to just go there. I had a total of 17 souls. One couple I saw with the man ahead and woman lagging behind. Usually this means the an is tired of shopping with the woman and is irritated. I approached them and asked for 3 minutes of their time. The man continued to the car and the wife stood with me. I eventually learned she had been saved for more than she can remember. Her relationship with the Lord was on a scale of 4 out of 5 being the best. She explain to me after I went through the entire card with her that her husband wasn’t saved and that was the reason he kept on walking. He never wanted to get saved. I said to her,”Well lets go to the car. When we got there she put her things in the trunk as she told him I wanted to speak with him. He came out willingly and shook my hand as we introduced ourselves. Standing under a tree that shaded us from the sun we all eventually healed hands as I prayed for them and their family. She started sniffling. They repeated after me as we asked the Lord to come into their hearts. It was a dumpy ride made smooth. He was filled with anger when he went to the car. They drove off saved, together after more than 10 years of marriage.

Franklyn T. G
Wesley Chapel Florida United States

Rodney Howard Browne is saving souls

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