Soul Winning | Marlo G Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Thank you so much for coming to our church with the Awakening Tour and Soul Winning classes. Our family is forever changed. I went out on the streets Monday and Friday after the soul winning class in my group. I gave my testimony on Monday, although I did not give it on Friday evening or turn in my prayer list from that day. I wanted to give you the list of names and also share with you that I led a woman to the Lord name Cintia at the bus stop from Brazil. She had just came from Brazil that day and had never heard that God loved her and had a plan for her life. She said the prayer of salvation and took all the DVD and materials before she got on her bus. I saw her eyes light up with joy while the good news was being shared with her. Yes, Keep me on your prayer list from

Marlo G
Orono Minnesota United States