Great Awakening Tour City #28 Ball Ground (N. Atlanta) GA | Rick McR Testimony

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My wife and I came that thursday and Friday and we were determined to leave changed and on fire with the zeal of God. I was an evangelist in my earlier years and we’ve led worship for many years. My wife is currently the worship leader for our church. She has been praying for me to get the fire back for ministry. I had allowed discouragment and offense towards men of God from past churches to stop me from stepping back out into ministry. Also, I had an accident and hurt my back and neck, had surgeries in 2005, along with some other medical issues. I was in a bad state of depression for the past year. My wife continued to lead worship at our local church and worked with the youth. Then we came that Friday night and right after you came out whe we went on the live tv, then two songs were song, I probably was the first person that night to fall right out of my chair laughing, I fell over on my wife and she thought I was passing out from pain or something then she looked at me and I was laughing.. I stayed on the floor for at least an hour and half. I didn’t hear any of the sermon, but when I got up I looked drunk, I had busted blood vessels under my eyes.. but I felt like NEW man, I haven’t been the same since. It felt like a huge fire water hose washed out all the stuff in my heart that I was holding in against people I have a new fresh desire to preach the word again and go to the world. We’ve always know since our 20’s that we were called into full-time mininstry but I never stepped out after allowing offense and rejection to take over. I was an adopted person, with a bad childhood, got saved at 20 and then went into the church and received a lot of rejection. But my wife was the opposite and she stood like a rock for me. Now we are in our 40’s and after all we’ve been thru should be pretty ready for full time minisry. The awesome thing it that now I want to preach, I had lost all the desire from the early years of our calling and my wife was about to move on without me. Thank God, he restored our marriage to the call of God, for our 25th wedding anniversary for May 2008. I’m a new man, on fire for God. We are plannig to come to the July campmeeting in Tampa and actually are praying about moving, we’ve felt that we are to move. and it may be to Tampa. Also, your team had taken a picture of me and my wife at the end of the service, of the time you came by and laid hands on both of us, and she was on the floor, you posted it on the website and we had all of our church members calling us. Our Pastor showed at church that sunday morning, but also, that service, during the worship, I exhorted and told how God had touched my life and it sparked a revival of laughter at our church. I feel like my old self back in the first days of my salvation. I’m witnessing like I used to. We are so on fire. Praise God. Rick McR

Rick McR
Peachtree City Georgia United States