Matters of the Heart | Rosemarie Morgan Testimony

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The core message I received from this class is regarding the importance and absolute necessity to guard, to watch over, my heart and maintain it in a pure condition before God so that I may be a truly available vessel in His hands.

The condition of the physical heart, which is the center or core of the physical man, determines the quality of life, and whether a man lives or dies. Similarly, the condition of the spiritual heart, which is the core of the born again Christian, will determine the quality of the spirit filled life, and, whether one will survive spiritually, be able to have an intimate relationship with God, walk before Him in uprightness of heart, and be lead by His Spirit, thereby partaking of the Kingdom of God – 1Cor15:50; 1Cor6:9.

The Bible tells us in Pro 4:23 to keep our hearts with all diligence; for out of it flows the springs of life. We must therefore allow nothing to take up residence in our heart that can contaminate, pollute, hinder, block, the free flow of the Spirit of God through our hearts, and rob us of God’s best for us. We must search our hearts constantly, and clean with immediacy. Nothing that violates our relationship with God must be allowed to linger; we must be quick to repent, accept correction with humility, wash with the Word of God and constantly communicate with God in prayer.

The message to me personally is that I need to totally die to self, to get rid of the not so big but dangerous little foxes that will spoil the vine, so I can live and reign with Christ – Ph 1:21. I need to ask God to reveal me to me so I can seek out the subtle things in my life that besets and hinders, and violently destroy them from my life – Rom 8:13. If I am serious about living for God, which I am, there is no option. The works of the flesh must be purged from my life as early as they manifest in a thought. My mind must be girded up, able to immediately identify and nullify any attempt of invasion by the enemy.

I cannot operate in the flesh and sit in heavenly places -Eph 1-3. I must take up my rightful position with Jesus – Eph 2:6 and nothing must by any means hinder me. The character of God must be formed in me so that I can start bearing fruit in multiples of hundreds.