Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When the Word of God is spoken, under the anointing, it is then that lives are changed. Pastor Adonica doesn’t fill in her teaching with a bunch of words, but every word carries weight and meaning and is pure and from God’s heart. I received deep conviction to my heart in areas that I had an inkling were possibly wrong heart attitudes, but until I heard the Word on those areas I was justifying why I was thinking a certain way. Her teaching with the Word cut me to the core, and divided the truth so that I could no longer justify myself in any area. If I was questioning or had confusion in any area, it is now gone. I am so thankful for Pastor Adonica and her integrity as a teacher, and how she turns us to Jesus and the Word and not to herself. By the way she teaches it is obvious that she lives to please just the father, which gives so much integrity to what she says. I was able to receive from God through the teaching, but I was also very blessed by observing the way she speaks and carries herself as a woman of God, in boldness and gentleness. I am able to look up to her as having qualities I myself would like to have in order to represent Christ better through my life and way of being. There were times I was listening, and because of how Pastor Adonica was so hidden in God, and because of the power and purity she carries, it seemed as though I was hearing straight from the mouth of God, not a person.

I am a changed person after this teaching. I thought I did well at humbling myself and putting off pride before, but there was light shed on pride in my life that I didn’t know was there. I now have a deeper reality of my works being tried by the fire, and eternity. Standing before God seems closer than ever before. I don’t want to be ashamed on that day. I have a better understanding and ability to go to God by my Spirit and stop trying to grasp him and understand with my mind. It’s as if I can choose to go to my Spirit and get out of my head in order to receive the Word of God, his ways, and even perceive life from his view. It’s not that I won’t use my thinking, but that my Spirit is in control and tells my brain what to think instead of the other way around. I have a sense of being safer and in the father’s arms, protected from Satan, because the Word was used in such a way as to expose how he was trying to hurt me. I became aware of areas he was trying to gain access into my life. Things I didn’t necessarily know were from him I now know originate with Satan and I don’t have to receive them. Overall I am much more hungry for God and more desperate for him and his presence. I am thankful to have been reminded to not worry about what people think, but to care only for what God thinks. I am encouraged to consider only God and his thoughts towards me, which are based in his perfect love for me. I know I am in the process of being set free in this area. The stronger desire and ability I have gained, to walk in mercy and grace with no judgment, and taking no offense towards others is so freeing. I know not to take offense, but after last week it’s as if I don’t even consider or see things that would’ve possibly offended me before. After having Pastor Adonica teach us, I was able to get to know her better and I am so thankful to have Pastors who truly care about people and who really live, to simply please God.