Teresa T. Testimony

What is the best thing about Christmas morning, your birthday, or an anniversary? Getting the gifts! Your eyes light up, there is a joy in your heart, you are just over all happy. Because of how much thought, time, effort and cost the person put into the gift. Well we have being given the best gift, that never wears out, gets old, dirty or lost. You maybe asking what is it that I am speaking about, it’s the Holy Spirit.

Jesus gave Himself to us, then He gave someone that will always be there to help us. In John 14, it says that the Holy Spirit is our comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener and standby. He is all of those things and more to us. He is your best friend. So, all you have to do is accept the gift. How cool is it that God us such an awesome gift and we have to do nothing for it, but accept it. The Holy Spirit is not a language, but a person. He is the one that gives us the ability, boldness, and power to go tell others about Jesus.

As Pastor Rodney has been teaching on the Holy Spirit this week, people are coming to know Him for the first time. They are realizing how great He is. And just how much we need Him in our day to day lives. Without the Holy Spirit we can do nothing. He prays for and through us when we don’t know what to say. When we have conflicts He gives strength.

The disciples, were waiting for Him, they didn’t know who or what was coming. They just waited expecting, and that is how we have to be. As they stayed focused on Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and endowed them with power. (Acts 1:8). And that power compelled them to go out and tell people what had just happen. The Holy Spirit will always guide you by the Bible and never led you away. The same Holy Spirit that came in Acts is the same one today!!! –Teresa T.