Melissa P. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The first few days I was here I really did not feel much, but I kept pressing in! A couple days later I was released  from a spirit of grief! Then, a few days later the power of God really touched me BIG TIME! Two consecutive days in the morning the fire of God came inside my body. The first time the fire was so overwhelming that I had to go outside for fresh air. The breeze felt like cooling water. God was supernaturally showing me the things of heaven! I felt as I was walking in the realm of heaven here on earth! It was like a slow dream like what you see in movies. I was mesmerized by the trees and grass and butterflies.

I walked down the side walk as if so high in Gods presence. I saw miracles happen right in front of my eyes! The next day my heart burned with an intense compassion. I literately felt my heart on fire and it was racing really fast! A glow came upon my skin, and my eyes grew wide from enlightenment. I’ve felt holy spirit possessed since I been here, and that’s very wonderful because that was my prayer before even knowing I was going to come here. I feel like my mind is soaking in the word and eating and loving it! I feel like my brain is growing! The spirit of God has kept me in perfect peace and we have walked simultaneously for days!  I have grown in boldness and my fear is driving out! The anointing has also hit me at night while sleeping and in places outside the church. I have been able to carry it out with me past these four walls and I will continue to put it into practice…Melissa P.