In The Hands of God

Little Works by Rodney Howard Browne

I find at least 2 enduring truths for us as I believe thru these closing scenes in Job’s story. If there’s something which has come between you and your heavenly Dad , why wait at a distance? Come. He likes to hear the unguarded confessions of His youngsters.

He’s taking pleasure in our humble acceptance of wrong.

As we have seen, he can never turn you away. He will be able to faithfully bring it to pass—if not now, later. God, who patiently authorized Devil’s dastardly experiment with Job to completed, has brought it to completion. And the Lord is still enthroned, in control, and entirely glorified.

I don’t have any way to know what your present position is at the moment. I’m not sure what you are wrestling with or who has maltreated you. Nor do I know how grim life has been for you.

Your tests have probably not been as serious as Job’s, but I am sure they’ve been tough, perhaps the worst you have ever known in your lifetime. You have been maltreated, and it’s never been made right, and justice is on hold. Perhaps it’s to offer you time to look at your own life. Is there a wrong you want to admit, an offense you have caused but never tried to reconcile? I encourage you to set aside your pride and step into that unfinished business and look after things now. You’ll be dazzled how relieving it’ll be to draw in that anchor so you can get moving in the right path. It’d very well be that your eagerness to excuse and move on is all that’s important to prompt the Lord to let His justice roll down.