Share What You Have Learned

The Bible is chock-full of godly beliefs by which our Lord wants us to live. I would like to share some of the most vital lessons God has taught me. I could certainly mention many others, but these have been very impressed on my heart.The most liberating truth I have discovered is that we will not live the Christian life.

This may be done only by Christ living thru us. There had been a point in time when I was battling to try my best but continually failing. I went to my knees one night and did not get up till God uncloaked the meaning of John 15:4 Jesus claimed the branch abides in the vine. To explain, we’re not alone in this Christian life.

God does not intend for us to perform better to delight Him ; rather ; He wants us to depend on His strength so that he will be able to live thru us. One thing I frequently say is that we must obey God and leave the implications to Him. To do that always needs bravery, but it is simpler when we have cultivated dependence on Him. We build reliance first by concentrating to God. We won’t separate obedience from listening to Him – otherwise we could not recognize the following step He wants taken. In addition, to turn over the implications of our obedience, we must trust God.

We fear what may occur if we trust Him, but the power of the vine is acceptable to brace the branch’s miniscule religion and tackle the result of obedience. The final result is a deserving crop of fruit.