Make His Name Known

There are 3 questions that everybody should be able to answer properly : Who is the one true God? What is He like? And is it feasible to have a private relationship with Him? Across the history of humankind, numerous folk of all countries have been haunted by these questions. When the apostle Paul was in Athens, he supplied answers for the people there by evangelizing about Jesus. Today, Christians continue to share about Jesus as it is God’s will that each single person have the right answer to those 3 questions. ( one Timothy 2:3-4 ). Think about all of the faiths of the Earth and what quantity of people are concerned in those myriad faiths. Most live in fear, doubt, and darkness. Imagine we are walking into church Sun. morning and sitting before a giant statue of bronze or gold. We would sing some songs, then take up an offering and lay it on the foot of the statue.

After singing many further tunes, we return to our homes. What would we carry home with us? What guarantee could we claim? . There would be no joy, peace, or guarantee in this life or the life to come as we bowed down to something that is dead and unable to hear us.
We followers know the true God. There’s a sector of folks out there who long to know Jesus, but they haven’t heard about Him. Don’t be content to just live your Christian life. Find some way to share your peace and joy with some other person.